Serial Episode 1: The Alibi

May 8, 2019

I thought this podcast was really interesting and intriguing. It includes interviews of Adnan’s friends that give a feel for who he is as a person. The narrator also describes the investigation in a really clear and concise way, which makes it easy to listen to and understand.

Presenting investigative journalism in this medium allows you to hear the tones of people’s voices who are being interviewed. It is also easy to listen to a podcast and multitask.

The victim’s family is probably not that happy that people are supporting the man they believe killed their daughter. They probably don’t want Adnan to get released from prison or be able to go to trial. They are probably glad that people are hearing their daughter’s story.

I like being able to hear people’s tone of voice but I get bored listening for long periods of time. Also if I miss a key point, then I have to go back and listen to parts over again. Reading texts like this is easier to remember key points because you can highlight the important parts and don’t have to worry about listening to the same parts over again. But you aren’t able to hear how the people speak.

I have a pretty good memory and can recall things quite easily. I am also very observant, so I think I would be fine. Some people don’t have good memories and can’t remember things as easily as others can.

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